Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Road Runner --- Hoover Dam

We went to Las Vegas after leaving the Grand Canyon. Took no photos as it was to dark or to crowded. We went to the Lion King and it was a great show. Also while we were there we were visited by my youngest Grandson and his girl friend. We left Vegas and traveled;ed to Earp CA. to visit friends Howard and Edna Lee.
We also visited the "Road Runner" a floating bar and grail on the Colorado river. They have good food and lots of atmosphere.
This is Mary, Edna and Howard on the back of the barge after dinner.
Mary being greeted by the Road Runner and his friend.
Plaque on the new bridge over the Colorado river just below Hoover dam
The new bridge. This was built to keep terrorist from getting explosives near the dam. It also sped op traffic as the road on the dam is narrow and crooked with steep approaches.

Turbines inside the power House. The power house on the AZ. side of the river. A very interesting place to visit.

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